The Scientific Justification for Bio Identical Hormones
Back in July of 2002 we wrote a spirited response condemning the hysteria regarding the use of hormone replacement therapy. Our complaint then, as now, is that there is seldom a distinction made between synthetic and natural hormones. Discontinuing all hormone replacement therapies was an inappropriate response, since safe and effective bio-identical therapies not only exist – but have many scientific studies substantiating their efficacy.
The following are quotes from medical journals concerning the optimal results of bio identical hormone replacement. These are a few of the hundreds of articles revealing the benefits of natural hormones and the deterioration that occur when these hormone levels fall. We also invite you to read our original Newsletter "A Response to JAMA Article Condemning Hormone Replacement Therapy" which gives more information. The journals and studies we cite are respected for their scientific integrity and we are still at a loss to explain why more of this information has not reached the general public. So, rather than wonder, we will continue to bring you information that speaks for itself:
"Hormone replacement prevents weight gain. HRT favors weight loss by increasing lipid oxidative, improves insulin response and lowers plasma lipids." Maturitas 1999 Aug,16 32(3): 147-53.
"DHEA increases insulin sensitivity, decreases abdominal fat, prevents and treats the metabolic syndrome and thereby prevents diabetes." JAMA 2004;292: 2243-2248.
"DHEA was found to be beneficial in treating Lupus patients. DHEA was well tolerated without side effects." Rheumatology 1998;25(2): 285-9.
"DHEA treats depression and improves memory. DHEA lowered cortisol levels." Biological Psychiatry 1997;41(3): 311-8.
"DHEA decreases heart disease and atherosclerosis." Annals N.Y. Academy of Science: 1995 Dec: 774: 271-280.
"DHEA restores well being, increases bone density and decreases vaginal dryness." Journal Clinical Endocrinology Metab 1997 Oct; 82(10): 3498-505.
"Loss of testosterone causes loss of libido, energy, strength, sexual function, memory, cognition, muscle and bone. Testosterone replacement, as far as quality of life is concerned, is tremendous." Medical Crossfire 2001 Jan;Vol.3 No.1:17-18.
"Testosterone lowers fat, improves body composition, protects against diabetes and heart disease." International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders 1992 Dec;16(12):991-7.
"Higher testosterone levels increase cognition and memory." Neurology 2005 Mar 8; 64-5: 866-71.
"Testosterone improves sexual function, bone density, mood, energy, and well-being. Testosterone increases sexual gratification, desire, arousal, libido, and frequency. Quality of life is adversely affected with low testosterone." Female patient 2004 Nov;Vol.29: 40-45.
"Testosterone levels have nothing to do with causing prostate cancer." Cancer 1999, July 15;88(2): 312-5.
"Natural progesterone reduces hot flashes, depression, abnormal bleeding. Quality of life improves when progesterone was used over Provera. Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) is poorly tolerated by most women to treat PMS symptoms fluid retention, mood swings." Cortland Forum, 2000 July; 170-174.
"Natural estradiol and progesterone are safe and show no increase in breast cancer or heart disease; however the synthetic hormones do increase risk of heart disease and cancer." Breast Cancer Res Treat 2007 Feb 27; 160-175.
"Natural progesterone, but not MPA (Provera), decreases myocardial ischemia and cause vaso-dilation of coronary vessels." Journal American College of Cardiology; 2000 Dec;36(9): 2154-2159.
"Progesterone raises good HDL cholesterol, whereas MPA (Provera), lowers good cholesterol. Progesterone increases estrogen beneficial effects whereas MPA reverses estrogen's benefits. Progesterone has no side effects, whereas MPA has many." Obstetrics Gynecology 1989; 73:606-611.
"There was an unexpected feeling of well being when progesterone was added to estrogen. Provera decreased well-being." American J. Obstetrics Gynecology 1999 Jan; 180: 42-48.
"The potential lethal consequences of osteoporosis are overwhelming. Estrogen is protective but only when certain serum levels are maintained." Female Patient Oct. 2004; Vol.29:40-46
"Bone density is rapidly lost when HRT is stopped. HRT should be continued indefinitely." JAMA 2002 August; Vol.228 No. 7:880-887.
"New findings in 4 recent studies counter the results of WHI and HERS. Estrogen replacement results in a dramatic decrease in cardiovascular disease. There was no coronary artery disease deaths were reported in 6000 women taking estrogen. The results of the WHI do not apply to younger women." Family Practice News 2003 June; Vol33(11); 1-2.
"Estrogen lowers cortisol which in turn reduces abdominal fat." Female Patient April 2001 2001; 26: 18-24.
"Multiple medical studies have demonstrated estrogen's protective effects against Alzheimer's, memory loss, loss of cognition.
Estrogen decreases colorectal cancer.
Estrogen decreases cataracts and macular degeneration.
Estrogen prevents tooth loss and gingivitis.
Estrogen prevents urogenital atrophy, painful intercourse and stress incontinence." Biomedia Jan.2000; Vol. 3(1):6-9.
"Aging is not an unalterable process of decline and loss. Hormones are now responsible for this change in attitude. Therefore, routine medical intervention programs offering long term replacement therapy with one or more hormones to delay the aging process, allowing us to live for a longer period in a relatively intact state are becoming popular." Biomedicina 2000 Jan; Vol 3 (1):6-7